Wednesday, September 05, 2007

So What's New With Us?

Here's a few pictures and videos to catch you up on the Maibergers. Well, mostly the kids. They are all doing fabulous...Gabe LOVES school and his new teachers. The girls and I are starting to try and find our routine now that school is underway. Zoe will start preschool in October. Where did the summer go??

Gabe on his 9th birthday, 8-23-07Matt got accepted to the CADRE with Jeanne Mayo!!
Gabe's first day of 4th grade


Blogger True_Floridian Momma said...

9 yrs old!! whoa, that's CRAZY!!

So glad you updated too....keep em coming!

Rhegan looks so much like Zoe and wow has she grown right up....nuts

I'll feel like a senior citizen once Jeff gets finished with college, especially seeing all the "little babies/kids" who are growing up....aaaahhh, nuts

5:10 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

oh 9 and in 4th grade. I can not believe it! WOW!

Rhegan was so funny. I loved her breathy "hi!"

10:15 AM  
Blogger True_Floridian Momma said...

oh I forgot to ask, what is CADRE??

12:20 PM  
Blogger Amy M. said...

The Cadre is a mentoring program for youth pastors led by Jeanne can see all about it at

12:25 PM  
Blogger Mindy said...

love the update! Keep 'em coming!

3:42 PM  
Blogger Mandi said...

Was so glad to see an update...been wondering how things were. GABE IS 9??? How is that possible when Jonah is still 5??

11:02 AM  

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