Successful Cribectomy..well, so far at least...
We have our room back today! Matt and I that is. Since Rhegan was born, her crib has been camping out in our bedroom...until today. We decided that since she was sleeping through the night quite consistently and nicely that is was time to have the girls share a room. I wasn't too sure how I was going to fit them both in Zoe's room, but we have successfully transplanted the crib, all accessories and even clothes from the master bedroom to what will from heretoforth (is that a word?) be known as "the girls' room" :-) Zoe has just been so excited and so far has done a great job leaving Rhegan alone while she sleeps. So we'll see how it goes.
Life is busy as usual around our house. Gabe turns 8 years old next week. HARD to believe that one. What an amazing journey his little life has been so far. I'm putting together a little slideshow to put on here, so you'll all get to enjoy that soon ;-)
WOW!! hurray for the "girl's room" I'm sure mommy and daddy are thrilled to have their space back!
I can't believe Gabe is 8 years old. You should definately include some of the infamous CIY trip we took with him....oh the memories. I just can't believe he is 8, that is wild!!
Can't wait to see you guys either!!!!
i can't wait to stop by and see "the girls" room... :)
8 is a sureal age. Genny is fastly approaching it and i am ever aware these days, how different it is... how grown up it is...
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