Saturday, April 15, 2006

I am home

Wow. That's about all I can say is wow. This last week has been one of the toughest and craziest of my entire life. However, I have never been so grateful to just be alive and with my family at home.

There is much to update...I don't know even where to begin. Last Saturday, April 8th, I was admitted to U of M due to an infection in the soft tissues of my abdomen called cellulitis. The infection was growing multiple bacterias and was very very serious. Immediately I was put on antibiotics via an IV. They were pretty certain that I was going to start turning the corner soon but then I had a really bad allergic reaction to one of the antibiotics I was being given. So the next few days were spent trying to figure out the best combination of drugs that could 1) fight the bacteria and 2) be something I would not react to. Wednesday, April 12th was one of the worst days I was there. All in the course of a few hours I had three incredibly painful prcedures preformed. One of them was to drain a pocket of fluid that they found in the infected area on a CAT scan they had done the night before.

Anyway, long story short, by this last Thursday I was given permission to be discharged both by the infectious disease doctors that were following me and the OB docs that were officially in charge of me. They were able to transition me to all oral antibiotics. My discharge was pending based on getting these antibiotics at the pharmacy there at U of M. It is a really complicated story, but we were able to get the drugs before they closed. Since we don't have prescription coverage as part of our insurance, we had to pay out of pocket. Not wanting to be held hostage at the hospital just becuase we couldn't get the medication, we got the medication for $2100. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is $2100 for a two week course of three antibiotics. We are still trying to get in touch with some of the social work people at the hospital who may be able to figure out a way to be reimbursed. I am just so happy to be home.

I am hoping to take pictures of the whole family tomorrow so I will post them soon!! Rhegan, Zoe, Gabe, Matt and my mom are also doing well. Matt and my mom have been holding down the fort here at home. Please keep them in your prayers as they are very short on sleep!!

Many blessings from our family to yours. May you be able to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It truly is by His death and resurrection alone that has brought us healing and most importantly our salvation. THANK YOU LORD!!!!


Blogger True_Floridian Momma said...

WOW, amy, WOW....that is alot to deal with just having had a baby. I am so thankful you are home now and feeling better and are able to celebrate Easter Sunday with everyone. I'm sorry about the out of pocket expense. Hopefully, those social workers can help out.

Can't wait to see Easter pics. of the family.
talk to you later

8:18 AM  
Blogger Mandi said...

I'd been wondering how things were, yikes! I can't believe how much your medicine was....holy cow! I am so glad you are home as well!!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

bless your heart, it sounds horrible....
Antibiotics are some of the most expensive and neccesary drugs... i hate that...
do you need anything???

10:07 AM  

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