Tuesday, March 21, 2006

9 Days and Counting...

So here we are, nine days before the scheduled C. *sigh* At this point I totally want to make it until then...there is no point to labor! :-) It still seems like forever away, but I know it will be here before we know it. For those of you out there who pray, please pray these things for us:

-My sciatic (sp?) nerve. Until this baby is born no amount of anything really gives it much relief except for walking around which is both exhausting at this point and I'm not really supposed to get the picture.

-Health for my parents. Both my mom and dad have been sick (bad colds. etc) for a long time and are just starting to get better. My mom comes here a week from today and wants to be at full strength when she is here, plus my dad will be on his own still recouping some from surgery.

-Gabe and Zoe and their continued transition into having another sibling here at home. For Gabe esp. that school would continue to go well through all the new changes here at home. And for Zoe that she would somehow magically understand why mommy can't always be everywhere.

-The c section. That is would go smoothly, without a hitch, no complications or infections, skill for Dr. Perry, etc. And of course for the health of little Rhegan whom we cannot wait to meet!!

Thank you all for your support...hopefully the next post you see will be the baby!!


Blogger eyes_only4him said...

good luck with the section..3 kids and I never had to have a section thank the Lord..

i had troubles with my nerve sucks..

good luck..;)

and it is never as bad as we think it will be...the pain dont last that long..just keep thinking about that..

plus you have done it before and willing did it it cant be that bad..haha

8:48 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

i for one, can not wait to see her sweet little maiberger face! :)

7:27 AM  
Blogger True_Floridian Momma said...

I CAN'T WAIT!!!! as I'm sure you can't either.......go Amy go

5:25 PM  

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