Friday, March 31, 2006

Pictures of our New Addition

She's Arrived

Welcome Rhegan Elisha Maiberger

6pounds 7 ounces

19 1/2 inches long

blond hair

slate eyes

And absolutely beautiful!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Labor and Deliv....Just kidding

So today was almost the day that our little Rhegan was born. Long story short, I had contractions this morning that were not letting up. So the nurse told me to come on in. Once there the contractions were still coming regularly and we were starting to get our hopes up that we would be staying and having a c-section. My doctor happened to be on call and was actually able to check me, but alas, no change since last Wednesday. At this point she thought she could go either way...making me wait until Thursday or just go ahead and do the c-section today. So she decided to start an IV and force 2.5 liters of fluid in me over a few hours and see what happened. The contractions decided to get farther apart, but were still pretty intense. As you can tell, I am back home, trying not to sulk and feel sorry for myself that it was all for will still be Thursday. My OB just decided she didn't want to take the risk for the baby's lungs doing a c-section before she was officially 39 weeks. *BIG LONG SIGH* Four days has never felt so long.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

To Mandi with empathy...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

9 Days and Counting...

So here we are, nine days before the scheduled C. *sigh* At this point I totally want to make it until then...there is no point to labor! :-) It still seems like forever away, but I know it will be here before we know it. For those of you out there who pray, please pray these things for us:

-My sciatic (sp?) nerve. Until this baby is born no amount of anything really gives it much relief except for walking around which is both exhausting at this point and I'm not really supposed to get the picture.

-Health for my parents. Both my mom and dad have been sick (bad colds. etc) for a long time and are just starting to get better. My mom comes here a week from today and wants to be at full strength when she is here, plus my dad will be on his own still recouping some from surgery.

-Gabe and Zoe and their continued transition into having another sibling here at home. For Gabe esp. that school would continue to go well through all the new changes here at home. And for Zoe that she would somehow magically understand why mommy can't always be everywhere.

-The c section. That is would go smoothly, without a hitch, no complications or infections, skill for Dr. Perry, etc. And of course for the health of little Rhegan whom we cannot wait to meet!!

Thank you all for your support...hopefully the next post you see will be the baby!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Adjustments are GREAT

This is a simple post to proclaim the wonderfulness of chiropractic adjustments. :-) I went last Wednesday for the first time since just after I found out I was pregnant. Man what a difference! I feel SO much better, the baby has dropped dramatically, etc. It makes getting through these next 3 weeks a little more bearable.

The day of this baby's birth is getting closer and closer! Zoe has her new big girl bed and is loving it. The crib is put together and just awaiting a little body. I have finally started packing my hospital bag. The only big thing left to do is organize the linen closet and wash the stoller linens and get it ready to use again. For some reason packing mine and the baby's bag is the hardest for me...I even have a list to go from but I just can't decide what clothes to take.

As far as blood pressure it is not going any higher. So that's good. I am still supposed to be off my feet as much as possible.

Once the baby is born, we will be updating this page and our U of M care page. You can access that page by clicking here. You will need a username and password, but it is free.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Nine Months!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Only in Michigan

Set the scene:

Matt is outside cleaning out the shed and reorganizing it. Gabe is out there with him playing with all the fun unusual items his dad is finding :-)

Zoe is asleep in her bed.

I am sitting on the futon watching the shed cleaning out the window, giving thumbs up or down to various items.

We all hear a faint music in the distance. What is that?? It sounds like computer game that Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?? It gets louder and louder. Then it hits me. THE ICE CREAM TRUCK????? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!! We get one sunny day in March and the temperature creeps out of the twenties to a whopping 36 degrees. And here comes the ICE CREAM TRUCK. I couldn't believe it. Neither could Gabe who of course was ecstatic and proceeds to wave a big orange bicycle trailer flag in the air. But his grandest expectations are squashed when Matt just smiles at the ice cream truck driver and motions him on. Poor ice cream truck driver man...what is he thinking?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Almost there...

Had my OB appt. today. I am now on unofficial bedrest which simply means stay off my feet as much as possible. It could be worse...she could have put me on all bed rest!! Anyway, the reason for the rest is the dreaded blood pressure rise. I had really high blood pressure with Zoe my last 10 weeks so I am grateful that I have made it this far with such good blood pressure!! Only 4 weeks to go...seems like an eternity but in reality I know it will fly by.