Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Shoo Flu, Shoo!!

Matt's sermon on Sunday was on suffering. And guess what?? :-) Monday morning our whole family got a chance to practically apply everything we learned. Gabe had the day off school yesterday so we had planned to go to McDonald's to have a big family fun breakfast, let the kids play in the playland, and let Gabe try out his wi-fi connection on his Nintendo DS which you can do for free at all the McDonald's around here. Anyway, the McGriddles had been eaten, all the chocolate milk consumed, Zoe was gleefully going up the steps and down the slide as fast as she possibly could, and Gabe was surrounded by a few boys his age who were staring in awe at his "worldwide" connection on the DS...he was racing 3 other people from who knows where. All of the sudden Matt says "Um, Amy, he doesn't look so good...doesn't he look a little pale to you?" And much to my dismay, I look over and see my son as white as a ghost, pale lips and all. Then suddenly, in tribute to the good ol' days, the projectile flies! Those poor onlooker boys bolted really really fast. Needless to say, that was the end of McDonald's. I wasn't feeling all that whippy, so when we got home and Matt had to pretty much leave for the rest of the day until around 9:30 that night, I decided it was time to have a pregnancy emotional breakdown. You know those days where Mommies just don't get the choice to rest at all and when both kids are whiny all day, one of whom you know is sick so you are trying your best to not be mad at him for whining (but it still really gets under the skin) and the other who is just three and it seems like the world is ending for her every 5 minutes? Yeah. It was one of those days. It was a three cans of coke and all the chocolate in the house day. A "I really could give a rip what the house looks like or if I ever do dishes or pick up toys or do laundry ever again" day. Very thankfully, my wonderful husband took the couch and night Gabe duty and I got the big bed all to myself last night...well, I should qualify that. Me and the baby inside me got the bed all to ourselves and I could have slept all night except she had to go to the bathroom almost every 2 hours ;-) So today I am determined to have a better day. Gabe is still really sick but so far no puking yet so we are ALL crossing our fingers. I will hopefully bring a more cheery update post soon! funny quote from the day...Matt and I are trying to convince Zoe that she is now too old to have a pacifier during the day because she is not a baby anymore. We say "Zoe, you aren't a baby are a BIG girl preschooler!! (with big huge grins on our faces)" To which she thinks just a little bit and replies "Noooooo...I'm not a preschooler...I'm a PRINCESS!!!!"


Blogger Karin said...

oh Amy, I am not sure I am ready for that whole projectile vomit thing. I am sorry that it was such a rough day. You have so much strength. Matt sounds like he is a good Daddy.

1:41 AM  
Blogger Mandi said...

I hate having sick kids!!! Especially the puking kind, oh boy!! Hang in there, it can't last forever...and that Zoe is absolutely hilarious!!

7:40 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

we have the stomach flu here too... oddly enough we have already had it... this type of thing isn't supposed to return is it???

9:08 AM  
Blogger True_Floridian Momma said...

awww, that stinks....i HATE the stomach flu, give me bronchitis anyday. Poor Gabe...I totally had a picture of CYI return as you were describing your McDs experience.

that is so sweet about Zoe, she is a princess and soon there will be two princesses in the house.

Adalai's newest thing is she absolutely does NOT want to be 4 yrs. old. No idea why, but when they get something in their head you know they stick with it..LOL

11:47 AM  
Blogger Amy M. said...

thank you all for your kind thoughts :-)
thank you also to my rescue hero mindy who yesterday went into the rain with her two kids just to bring me a salad and a cherry coke. Thank you thank you thank you!

Gabe is much better today and tolerating food finally. But those who know him know he is still recovering when I say he is laying on the couch watching the weather channel...haha.

12:42 PM  

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