Saturday, September 03, 2005

Dishwasher for sale?

The one thing about manufactured housing that just stinks that Matt's parents tried to warn us about back in the day is that after about 5 years, everything starts breaking. So far we have replaced our kitchen sink, none of the outside lighting works and the back faucet is broken. Then as of today, our dishwasher went kaput. Now, granted, a dishwasher is more of a luxury we have become accustomed to rather than a need, but I find my pregnant, hormone surging mind screaming, "not the dishwasher!!!" Matt is still going to go online to see if there is something he hasn't thought of to try and fix, but according to our plumber friend from church who also lives in our neighborhood and had the same dishwasher, it's pretty much toast. So anyone know of anyone who's looking to sell their dishwasher? :-)


Blogger eyes_only4him said...

LOL..I hear ya about the is a nice luxury..If I had a spare I would get it too you ASAP..LOL:)

10:06 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

oh amy... once your mind (no matter how hormone surging) starts freaking out- the issue then goes beyond luxury... it's a necessity!

9:26 AM  

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