Third time a.....charm?
So this being my third (well, really fourth) time around being pregnant, I figure, I've got this pregnancy thing down, right? HA! Today the first trimester came in like a lion. I fell asleep twice this morning, then took a half hour nap once matt got home this afternoon. Even folding a simple load of laundry felt like lifting bricks. I go from feeling so full after only a few bites to ravashing hungry just a half hour later. And even though my baby is the size of one of these letter o's, I feel like my clothes have somehow shrunk and I am balooning! So Mandi, you being the mother of 4 among us, did the same thing happen to you?? Did you feel 15 weeks pregnant when you were only 5????????? I guess that afterall I am happy about how I am feeling. As one who's had 2 out of 3 pregnancies not be normal, having normal pregnancy symptoms feels good somehow. At least I haven't had morning sickness yet....knock on wood!
Yes, Amy....very sad that I am the "seasoned" One of the group...I'm proably the youngest!! Each one of my pregnancies was so different than the rest. When I was pregnant with Emma, I felt like I was 7 months pregnant at only 8 weeks! So very typical. Hang in there...the tired thing was always what killed me. So frustrating!
Your redesign is lots of fun! You always find the most fun things on line.
Having just gotten over that awful first trimester blah stuff... Well, mostly over....OK, kinda over....At least some of the stuff has subsided a bit... I can say hang in there. :o) Use me and my loveable daughter to stash your kids for an afternoon if you need a nap. OK? You're little one may only be an "o" but you're body is running overtime. (Hey, it takes a lit of effort to make a heart and a brain and stuff!) And if you get sick, give a call I've compiled all the home remedies known to woman!
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