Monday, August 15, 2005

Song Tag

Ok, ok I give. I will do the "tag" and list my top 10 songs. But, I gotta tell ya, this is going to be a stretch. See, you would think someone like me who loves everything about music would have lots of songs I am listening to. But in reality, I hardly listen to any songs at all!! I hardly own any CD's that I listen to, I don't have radio or CD in the car (not by choice...they just don't work), so I can't really say what I am "currently" listening to. So instead I will give my top ten that I have liked in the recent past. These are not in any particular order...just as they come to mind:

1. "You are the Vine" by Ken Ferguson. Love Ken's music...he needs to make more CD's!!!!! Ken I hope you read this. haha
2. "You are Good" praise song...I like the version by the Lakewood Church choir.
3. Anything David Crowder
4. "Lord Have Mercy" by Michael W. Smith
5. "Find Me in the River" by Delirious
6. "Come to Jesus" by Chris Rice....this is just beautiful.
7. Well, this isn't just one "song" but I would currently be listening every week to any song that my piano students are playing .... haha
8. "I need you Jesus" by the passion band. This is my cell phone ring
9. "Willy Wonka theme song" this is my cell phone ring for Matt
10. "Larry Boy" the cartoon theme song. Ironically, this is currently my daughter's favorite video.


Blogger Mindy said...

"Willy Wonka...willy wonka...."
now it's going to be stuck in my head all day!!!

2:54 PM  
Blogger Amy M. said...

ok, according to my husband I have to correct myself. "I need you Jesus" is by the desperation band, not the passion band, and it is called "Rescue" not "I need you Jesus"

4:49 PM  

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