Monday, July 04, 2005

One week down, 51 more to go

Haha...well, at least I hope so! There will be at least 52 more weeks at this weight watcher thing if not more, but I am pleased to say that week one went for the most part GREAT! I love how I feel when I get to work out. Now what I need is to be able to do it at the same time each morning...that is the hard part for me!

In other news, it is raining today, July 4th and most of you know that. *sigh* It looks like it might clear in time for fireworks, but if nothing else we are going to do a few sparklers with the kids. I hope we get to see fireworks!!!!!

Anyway, here is the picture, as promised and my progress. Hope you all are having a wonderful 4th and I wish I could say that I will see you all Saturday, but as Misty and Angie already know I can't make it. Something got scheduled after we had made our schedule and I can't bow out. I AM SO SORRY!! We are having a bunch of youth sponsors over here for breakfast at 8am so unless we meet at 6 or earlier (which I know would be killer for you all) then I will have to wait until our August movie night. However, if by some random freak thing you all wanna meet at 6, I'm there! :-)


Blogger Misty said...

don't worry about it. you will be missed (A lot) but we will survive it somehow.
perhaps all sit there in silence....
i doubt it.....

i too, love the feeling of working out... but the morning thing (which is the only time it could realisitcally get accomplished) is the tough thing for me too....

11:13 PM  
Blogger Mandi said...

Congrats on the progress Amy, keep it up!

7:31 AM  

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