Friday, June 10, 2005

That's not frosting...

Poor Matt almost lost his breakfast today as we headed out the door to go grocery shopping...

Holding Zoe's hand he turned around to close the door. He turned around to find her other hand and face covered with white and black stuff. It looked like frosting. In a split second these thoughts go through his mind:

"Is that frosting?? What in the world is that. She's licking her hand. That's not frosting...what IS that??"

Oh yes, it was bird poop she had found on our porch. When Matt realized what it was I think he almost fainted. I was still getting ready in the bathroom brushing my teeth so I was of no help until I could get the massive glob of toothpaste foam out of my mouth. Kindof funny in retrospect, but not really. Just one of those events that you know will happen in the course of parenthood but you NEVER ever expect! :-)


Blogger Mindy said...

OH AMY! that is SO GROSS! Did you bust out laughing? I would've!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

that really is hilarious!

poor zoe...

6:25 PM  
Blogger Mandi said...

Once again, how thrilled I am that my children are not the only ones!!!

11:47 AM  

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