Sunday, January 23, 2005 every sense of the word

These are the days that I long for the sound of the ocean and the feeling of the hot sun warming my body all over. It all started yesterday when Matt and I looked out the window and honestly thought our house had been magically transported to antarctica. The wind was blowing in gale-force strength, there were over 16 inches of snow on the ground and you couldn't see the house across the street. Matt's car was completely buried in our driveway and my van was getting close to being the same. Well, it stopped snowing and we thought we were through the worst of it, knowing that a long and arduous "digging out" lay ahead. So when I woke up this morning and the temperature outside read -4, I started to get a little worried. Then when Matt came into the living room and told me we had no water, I knew the inevitable had happened....our pipes had frozen once again. *sigh* or more like *grrrrr* or actually if I were honest it's an *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!*
We go through the routine: me opening all the faucets while Matt goes outside to dig his way to the shed to get out the extension cord to plug in the tiny little space heater to stick under the house to start thawing the pipes. Long story short, it's been near 4 hours now and still no water. So just now I went out to check how our little heater is holding up and the poor thing just can't do the job. As I picked it up to inspect it I could almost hear it whispering, "...can' it....too...cold...pahhhhhh." Going back inside my poor son who only drinks Pediasure and water is thinking he's dying from the lack of water, so we get creative. After melting all the ice cubes we had in the freezer we now have a half pitcher of water to draw from. And on the up side of things, I got to at least brush my teeth!!!

Ahh, Michigan. What an adventure...


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