Friday, June 29, 2007

Pictures from Vacaion 2007

If these pictures are small on your computer, just click "view all images" and you will be able to see them :-)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Home from Vacaion

Just a short blog to say we are home, all is well, kids are sleeping, but poor matt is stuck in new york with stinky clothes. He won't be home until Saturday. Please pray for the whole team. At least they get to stay in a hotel with beds and showers!! Pictures from the vacaion coming soon!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Doutt-Maiberger Family Vacaion

Hello hello from amazingly beautiful Colorado!! So far we have had quite the trip. Rather than give you each and every detail, I will just give you the bullet points in chronological order:
1. Prior to our arrival, Mom makes some really neat shirts for all of us that were supposed to say "Doutt (my maiden name)-Maiberger Family Vacation 2007." However, as she was ironing on the decals, she and her friend noticed to their horror that they said "Doutt-Maiberger Family Vacaion." They left them as they were because they didn't have any more shirts!
2. Plane trip from Michigan:
-Stephanie my sister in law meets me in Detroit to fly with me and the kids to Colorado. However in order to get on our flight, she had to book it as two separate iteneraries. No problem in theory except that when she gets into Detroit she only has and hour to go to baggage claim, get her bags, recheck in for our flight and go through security. We were all thankful though when we realized that our plane was delayed an hour so she had plenty of time.
-Get on the plane, Rhegan is a lap child. We sat on the plane for an hour before we took off...Rhegan was pretty wiggly and irritated the entire 3 hour trip. I swallowed my pride and admitted that without Stephanie on board, I have no idea how I would have survived. Thank you Stephanie!!!!
3. June 15, 2007: We are cooking dinner at my parents home. They had just prior to us coming gotten all new absolutely beautiful stainless steel appliances for their kitchen. Included in these was a gas range. The gas range had a broiler in the bottom drawer. They were unaware of this and were using it as storage for cookie sheets and cutting boards instead. I was cooking cheesy potatoes for dinner when I noticed a burning plastic smell. Looking into the stove I was horrified to find flames shooting out from the bottom. We quickly deduced what was happening and pulled the drawer out to find the cutting boards and cookie sheets on fire. There was no fire extinguisher in the house. Stephanie (remember my sister in law) is a firefighter/EMT and is equally horrified that there is no fire extinguisher so she and I go running house to house knocking on doors to see if any of the neighbors had one. In the mean time my eagle scout leader dad has removed the flaming cookie sheets from the house out to the porch and extinguished them with the hose. *Steph and I bought him an extinguisher for Father's Day* Due to the toxic fumes, we open the windows to fumugate the house and go out to dinner. Still can't use the oven...working on that one.
4. June 16, 2007:
-My parents have a new pop-up camper. They set it up in their driveway for the kids to play in and investigate. Rhegan is also out there crawling on the bed part. This would have been a happy story except for the fact that the canvas that buttons underneath the bed that keeps people from rolling off the bed and onto to ground was inadvertently un-buttoned. Rhegan crawls to the edge in a split second and falls off the bed onto the concrete driveway about 4 feet below. I do not see this happen...I find out soon after. Long story really really short we eventually take her to the Children's Hospital ER in town just to make sure she is ok and discover that she has a bent fibula (called a green stick fracture) and a fractured tibia. Wanting to get a better image of the break they send us to the main Children's hospital downtown Denver where she is re-xrayed and splinted. She was going to remain in the splint for the remainder of the time here in CO except that she keeps wiggling out of sometime tomorrow she will get her actual cast put on. This will be on for 4-6 weeks.
5. June 17, 2007 Father's Day
-We go out to eat at a really cool restaurant after church called "Trail Dust" that has a giant slide. There is also a man walking around making balloon animals for kids. I ask for one for Rhegan since she has a broken leg...Gabe is terrified of the balloon popping. I reassure him that these kind don't really pop because they are made to be flexible. 2 seconds later Rhegan's balloon pops and so does Zoe's. They both burst into tears and Gabe starts screaming covering his ears and telling everyone that the balloon man lies.
-Did I mention that yesterday Santa came to visit right after the camper incident?