Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Mindy!!

So here we are...ladies night out celebrating Mindy's 30th birthday. Crazy coffee...Jacki's stuck up door....(insert me singing now instead of talking)..."I just say....I had fun!"


Yes it is almost 1 am as I write this post and yes I am still wide awake...thanks to the double very caffienated carmel latte during Mindy's birthday celebration. So I get home from a night out on the town (ladies it was a blast!) and feel guilty that a day has gone by without any sort of workout whatsoever. I am on orders from my new "wellness coach", Dr. J, to be doing my pilates video, ab lounger, and stretching everyday. I chose the pilates. I hadn't gone through the whole video yet. Oh my word. I would LOVE to be able to do this whole video someday. For now I am doing the abbreviated Amy version. I had no idea that simple stretching and getting your body into positions you never thought imaginable could elevate your heart rate so much and cause you to sweat!! But it feels so awesome. I just wish the lady would slow down a bit so I could learn what I am supposed to be doing. I guess if I do it enough times I will eventually know the order...right?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter 2007