Thursday, January 11, 2007

Zoe's Broadway Debut

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Salt Water Scandal

Ok, this will be short but I just had to post about this...

Since Gabe has had braces, he has gotten a number of canker sores. The only thing that works for him to get his mind off of it is to rinse his mouth with salt water. Today being his first day back at school coupled with the fact that he has had this terrible canker sore over the last week or so due to his braces wire slipping (an entirely other story in and of itself), I sent him some salt in a ziploc bag and a plastic cup so he could rinse whenever he wanted to and it wouldn't distract him. WELL, I get a call about an hour before school ends from the office telling me that they cannot administer the salt water to him without a doctor's note signed by myself and the doctor including why he needed the salt water, how often, and what signs to look for after administering the salt water rinse. WHAT???!?!?!?!? Apparently, since the salt water rinsing is considered a "medicinal" treatment for canker sores, the school has to have a note. People, what is this world coming to? Advil, Tylenol, cough drops...ok, I get those...but SALT??? Am I the only one that thinks this is insane?


Much to my surprise, right after I posted last about being stuck in Colorado, we found out that the Northern route through Nebraska and Iowa was open, so we left Sunday morning. We stayed in Omaha Sunday night and then came the rest of the way yesterday, getting home around 11:30 pm. So we have made it home...yay! We are also totally thankful for the Lord's hand of protection along the way...from Denver to Omaha we must have seen over 50 cars off the road in the ditch, including tractor trailers and flipped over cars. Some had been sitting there awhile but some had just happened as the people were still in their cars! I've never seen so many cars off the road in my life!