I couldn't think of a snazzy title for this post. Sorry. I have come to find that it is a little harder to find time to blog since Rhegan has been born :-) So I apologize that our updates have been much less frequent.
We are doing really great, honestly. Amidst the chaos which is becoming our new normal, I really and truly can't complain! Rhegan is for the most part sleeping well at night, which is a huge blessing. Laundry is a complete constant...Mandi I feel your laundry agony on a slightly smaller scale and I must say I laughed heartily at your joy in having a drawer full of clean underwear and socks for Jonah...amen, amen, and AMEN!
Tomorrow we leave to go up north on a staff retreat for church. Gabe and Zoe will get to stay with Nana and Papa (they are very very excited) and Rhegan will be coming with us. This is also Gabe's last week of school for the year. It was kindof hard for me to leave him his last week, but then again, what do you really do the last week of school anyway?? :-)
Sorry there isn't too much to report :-) I just wanted to post before we left town and you all thought we really had fallen off the face of the planet ;-) Blessings to you all...