Monday, November 14, 2005

Another new blog skin

Oh well...

I really did like the old new blog skin, but it just didn't work as well.

So, now we're on to a new new blog skin.

Only 4 more days until we are on VACATION!! Wahoo! I have already finished all the laundry (an Amy packing first, mind you) and made my lists out. Tomorrow is ironing (another Amy packing first) and packing as much as possible. Thank you to Mindy who is taking Zoe for the morning tomorrow so I can get a bunch done. Then Wed. is flu shot done for Amy, and Thurs. Gabe and I go on a field trip to the MSU planetarium with his school. And we leave Friday early AM!!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New blog skin

Well, I have to say that I REALLY REALLY like my new blog skin. However, dumb me forgot to copy all my links BEFORE I changed, this may take awhile for me to figure out. The html for this particular skin is a little tricky, so bear with will all be linked again soon!!!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Amy's 56

I have no idea why I do these's contagious I suppose

1. Nervous habits-play with my hair, pencil, just fidgeting in general
2. Are you double jointed - no
3. Can you roll your tongue - no
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time - no
5. Can you blow spit bubbles - amazingly, since I was about 2 yrs. old...I used to fascinate myself doing this very thing in front of the hallway mirror in the first house I lived in
6. Can you cross your eyes - oh yes, and even better, I can cross eyes, look right, cross again, look left weird thing
7. Tattoos - no
8. Piercing - double ears, that's it
9. Do you make your bed daily - in my perfect world
10. Which shoe goes on first? -whichever one I can find first!
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I dont' think so
12. On the average, how much money do you carry? usually debit card
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7 - none 24/7 but on a daily basis I wear my wedding ring, silver hoop earrings, heart necklace Matt gave to me
14. Favorite piece of clothing - well right now, my tailor-hemmed maternity jeans
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - ok, why wasn't slurp an option? :-)
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? - not that I recall
17. Do you use extra salt on your food - if it needs it
18. How many cereals in your cabinet - 2-3
19. What's your favorite beverage - right now (current pregnancy craving) Barq's Root Beer
20. What's your favorite fast food restaurant - Taco Bell
21. Do you cook - absolutely!
22. How often do you brush your teeth - once a day
23. Hair drying method - air dry to start, then pull out the blow dryer to finish and do final touches :-)
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair - yes
25. Do you swear - (gasp) only in my head or under my breath on very very rare occasions - something I am not proud of for sure
26. Do you ever spit - not really
27. Animal - definitely dogs
28. Food - P.F. Chang's
29. Month - December
30. Day - Friday
31. Cartoon - used to be Speed Racer when I was a kid, the Great Space Ghost was also funny
32. Shoe brand - comfortable!
33. Subject in school - Biology
34. Color - lots of shades of green
35. Sport - golf
36. TV shows - Lost, 24, Amazing Race, Extreme Makeover Home, Survivor, Apprentice, ER...I's sad
37. Thing to do in the spring - be outside after a rain shower and take a walk
38. Thing to do in the summer - Swimming outside...pool or lake...ocean would be awesome
39. Thing to do in the autumn - gather and jump in leaves
40. Thing to do in the winter - Christmas!!!!
41. In the CD player - Random Christmas CD's

42. Person you talk most on the phone with - Matt, my parents
43. Reading - sadly, nothing at the moment
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors - out of nervous habit, but not because I'm like "Ooooh...look at me...I'm so fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." haha
45. What color is your bedroom - cream, we have never painted any room except Zoe's
46. Do you use an alarm clock - only when I have to
47. Window seat or aisle - aisle...don't wanna crawl over sleeping people when I need to pee
48. What's your sleeping position - currently, left or right side...there are no choices, people
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket - only in the morning when I get cold
50. Do you snore - yes
51. Do you sleepwalk - no
52. Do you talk in your sleep - no
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals - no
54. How about with the light on - haha...only when Matt is away...and it's the bathroom light, so it's not THAT bright
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on - no way....perfect world is a nice loud fan blowing
56. Last interesting person you met - Lady at the pediatrician who had a daughter with the first name Ana (pronounced Ah-nah)...I used to love that name for a little girl.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

"I have a fever...and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!"

I told some of you that I would post this funny skit on here it is!! Have fun!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stream of Consciousness of a Mom

If someone could have typed my thoughts from about 12:30-1:15 today they would have gone something like this:

"Yummm this salad is good...I am glad I am eating salad...why won't zoe eat her sandwich?...ew...what is that smell...oh no it must be zoe...yep, it's the bathroom we go....please don't be really messy...oh no, too late...ugh, I hate times like this...oh well, what can you do?....there's the phone...seriously can't get to it now...they can leave a message...ok zoe hardly ate a thing but it's time for her nap...she's going down...ok, good she's staying quiet...there's the phone again but it's matt (I can tell from the ring)...what? was the school calling that I had just missed moments before??...oh no...Gabe has a fever and an upset stomach...gotta go get him..wait, I can't go like this...I just got home from swim lessons and I am not really dressed...ugh...get clothes on fast...what is clean? Nothing is clean...ugh...wear the same clothes from yesterday, it's just to the school and back...oh dear my hair is seriously messed up...who really cares? everything...wait, I gotta get zoe...I bet she's almost asleep...on with the jeans and shoes...out the door, into the car...calling the school to let them know I am on my's busy...over and over it's busy....they need to know that I got the message and I'm coming...ok finally got through...get Gabe, he's really sick...fever of 101.7 oh no....ok in the car, back to the to my dad who called on the way home...he had a good test...glad he is ok....ok now back in the house...Gabe wants pears...PEARS??...ok whatever....poor kid really is sick...he didn't really eat the pears...zoe get back in bed...ok, she is finally I really want to fight Gabe over watching tv on the couch instead of getting in his bed which I know he really needs to do to get I don't want to fight...Gabe get on the couch...back to my doesn't really taste very good anymore...oh well....Gabe needs tylenol...we have no kids tylenol...ugh...all we have is extra the doctor...waiting to hear back from the nurse..."

Thanks be to God who through all parts of our day, good and bad, HE IS THERE!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

More Halloween Pics...

"Trick-or-treat!" or in Zoe's words "Twick-a-tweet!!"