Monday, October 31, 2005

Bibbity Bobbity Boo!

This title has nothing really to do with this post other than it is the only song STUCK in my head. We had a wonderful visit with my mom last week and one of the things she brought for Zoe was the Cinderella DVD with a bonus CD of of which is the triple "B". It lasts I think 58 total seconds from beginning to end, and I have replayed it enough times that now I can sing the backup choir part along with it quite nicely!

So what's new with the Maibergers? Gabe is doing great with the transition to 2nd grade. He loves his new teachers and classmates. We got to go to his school Halloween party last Friday night...we were there probably only 25 minutes or so. :-) A little overstimulating for poor are the kids in their costumes. (And no, Gabe is not harry potter, although the glasses make for a great look alike, he is Leo from the new Disney show Little Einsteins.)

They had a great time there at the school and are really looking forward to dressing up again tonight for trick-or-treating. Back to the school topic for Gabe, we were REALLY looking forward to him getting to ride a special bus to school but it looks like that isn't going to work out. :-( REALLY REALLY bummed about that one. The bus would have had to pick him up at 7:15 am and then he wouldn't get home until around 5 pm. As it is now we don't leave the house in the morning until around 8:35 and then we are home by 4:15. *sigh* I was really looking forward to the bus. Oh well. Maybe next year the times will work better. Gabe's going to be so bummed too...he was so excited to get to ride.

Well, I hope you all have a fun night tonight! Everyone post pictures of your kids dressed up so we can all see!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Big Promotion!

Once again, you just never know what is going to happen on a given day. Including today! I had a meeting with some of the staff at Gabe's school today and starting tomorrow, Gabe will be promoted to the 2nd grade!! His testing came out so above average in all the academic areas that there was no question that he needed to be in the higher grade. In addition, Gabe will get to go to a special room for the morning each day where he will work on the things he is behind in like reading comprehension, writing, and social skills. Then he will go to the regular 2nd grade room for the rest of the day for math and science and social studies. The other REALLY neat thing about this is that there will be aides in his classrooms ALL DAY except for when he goes to special classes like art and computers and music. It is just so amazing. We are so excited for him and know this is going to be such a positive change for him. So we couldn't let the change go by without a celebration!!! My mom (who is in town) is taking us out to Buffalo Wild Wings to celebrate. We are going to have balloons and a small party for him to encourage him in this exciting event!! He, for those of you who know him well, is going to be on CLOUD NINE when we tell him. He had a hard time when he switched to the public schools dealing with the fact that he had to go to 1st grade. Anyway, just had to update here. Wahoo for Gabe!!!! :-)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Heavy heart...

You always know as a parent that days like these are going to come. But you never expect them at the moment they do come and you can't know what to do until you are in the middle of it...

I got a call (again) from Gabe's school. It was the gym teacher, whom we know from church, relaying to me what had just happened with Gabe at recess. Apparently, three boys with whom Gabe has been playing with regularly at recess decided to gang up on him and ask him to go "beat up" a little girl whom they were accusing of taking their popcorn money. So Gabe did what they asked. Luckily the recess aides saw the whole thing and intervened very quickly and the little girl was not hurt.

I cannot even begin to explain how I feel at this moment. Astonished that my son would actually think it is ok to follow through with such a thing. Appalled that boys this young would do such a thing and 1. pick on a kid they know will do what they say and be the one to get in trouble and 2. go after a little girl. My heart is broken that Gabe was picked on. I have no idea what is the right way to handle this once he gets home...I have never been in this position before. I know we need to teach our son the right way to stand up for himself and not give in to peer pressure. But at the age of 7?? I think that is what is so unbelievable to me. So here we stand again, asking God for wisdom and grace to walk through what is sure to be many more years of teaching our children how to be godly in a very ungodly world. I honestly don't know what makes me more mad...that Gabe was picked on because of his "differences" or that Gabe disobeyed what he knows is right. Appropriate it is that every time my phone rings and it is the school that the ring sings "I need you Jesus to come to my rescue! Where else can I go?"

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Tribute to Periwinkle

Our search for a new (well, new to us that is) minivan is finally over!! We found a great deal last night. After a little more haggling and competition with another dealer, we were able to bring the new van home. But to do so we had to leave our old blue van (whom my parents had originally named Periwinkle) behind. Isn't it funny how we get attached to things? This van has been a part of my life for the last 10 years...since even before I was married. There are so many memories in this van. Trips to church camp; trips from Olathe to Columbia to visit my friend Amanda; trips from Kansas City to Michigan by my parents and brother; trips from Parker, Colorado to Estes Park...5 adults and Gabe!!!; trips from Howell up to the camper house and Traverse City. And finally, being the biggest family car we had owned up to this point. It's the van we brought Zoe home from the hospital in. It has taken many high schoolers and middle schoolers around Michigan for Fall Retreat and crazy scavenger hunts and races. It was nicknamed "the Trout" and "Bernadetta the Blue" by my d-groups. Here's to you, old blue. You have been a great van and have lasted longer than any of us could have ever imagined. 210, 422 miles to be exact.

But now that our old van has been laid to rest, it's time to celebrate our new van!!!! We haven't come up with a name for it yet, so suggestions are more than welcome. It is a 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan. Only 42,000 miles. Lowest miles we have ever owned in our married life!! It has a CD player (hallelujah...I have missed my music), bucket seats behind the driver and passenger, and even remote controlled sliding door and back hatch!! It is also remote start equipped, but we have to figure out which remote control button does that one. So here's to as many years as possible and family vacations and just plain old running errands. A big thank you also to Matt's parents who helped us get the van now instead of having to wait until January!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Life seems SDRAWKCAB

I hate posting "downer" posts but today is just one of those days and there has to be a place to let it all out!!!

(For those of you who are still trying to figure out the title, it is backwards, spelled backwards)

Things that are backwards right now in life that should not be:

1. Morning Sickness. Just started my 2nd trimester. Going much worse than the 1st. What is up with that???

2. The temperature. Don't get me wrong, I really really like warm weather, but there is just something about the fall that is so wonderful and I am missing it terribly!! The jeans and sweaters and football games and apple orchard trips and just all the wonderful things about fall. I am really glad that the weather is changing TONIGHT!

Ok, really those are the only two things...ha. Compounded upon them though is the fact that I have started to battle a cold and sinus stuff. UGH. And being pregnant with a sinus cold is, well, just poopy. I WANT MY NYQUIL!!!!

Ok, I am done complaining now. Here's to having a better attitude and a cheery smile!!